Control of GTU
Divisions of Grand Teton University GTU operates under the auspices and control of the Church of the New Order of Christ, a church committed to the new dispensation, restoration and revelations of organic theology and law. The Church appoints members to the University's Board of Trustees and the University's daily operations are coordinated by the University's Chancellor. The Founder and Chancellor of GTU is Roger C. Elletson, B. Comm., Economics, University of the Witwatersrand; M.B.A., Finance and International Business, Columbia University; J.D., University of Wyoming Law School. Roger Elletson is also the Founder of the Church of the New Order of Christ. He is the author of numerous works that have resolved the money and civilization questions. His works include Money: A Medium of Power; Organic and Parasitic Monetary Law: The Final Solution to the Money and Civilization Questions; Parapometrics-the Science of Power; and The Triumph of Western Civilization. He is the editor of PARAPOMETRICS®-Journal of the International Parapometrics Institute. A more complete list of his past and pending publications is given below under the section on GTU Press. He is a member of the Wyoming and Nebraska Bar Associations. The governing body of GTU is its Board of Trustees. Appointments to the University's Board of Trustees are made by the Church of the New Order of Christ after nomination by the University's Chancellor. Members of the Board of Trustees include: Roger C. Elletson, Founder and Chancellor of GTU, B. Comm., Economics, University of the Witwatersrand; M.B.A., Finance and International Business, Columbia University; J.D., University of Wyoming Law School; John Remington Graham, B.A., Philosophy, University of Minnesota; L.L.B., University of Minnesota; founding professor of law at Hamline University; James L. Green, B.A. Economics, Washington State University; Ph.D. Economics, University of Minnesota; Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Georgia; Dennis K. Ridley, B.S., Accounting, University of Wyoming; J.D., University of Wyoming Law School; Qualified academics, educators, professionals and other individuals in the business community supportive of the University's mission are being invited to join the Advisory Council of GTU. They will attest to the University's credibility and allow it to avail itself of their expertise. Qualified individuals supportive of the University's mission are encouraged to submit their curriculum vitae and/or resumes to the University. The Advisory Council includes: Ken Bohnsack, Founder of the Sovereignty Proposal; The faculty of GTU is headed by the University's Founder and Chancellor, Roger C. Elletson. It includes members of the University's Board of Trustees and Advisory Council. The University is also inviting qualified individuals supportive of the University's mission to join the faculty. Those wishing to be considered as possible future members of the faculty or as affiliated educators to GTU are encouraged to submit their curriculum vitae and/or resumes to the University and explain how their expertise will be beneficial to the University in fulfilling its mission. In the initial stages of the University's development, qualified academics and individuals interested in assisting in the formulation of the curriculum and researching specific topics of interest can also affiliate with the University in a less formal way as Academic Assistants. Divisions of Grand Teton University The initial divisions of GTU will include the International Parapometrics Institute, the International Institute of Organic Law, the College of Arts and Education and the Grand Teton Divinity School. Of these divisions the International Parapometrics Institute will be the first to be brought on line to provide Degree, Certification and Seminar Programs. Programs through the University's other divisions will be brought on line in due course in response to student demand and as the academic groundwork is laid. Correspondence Programs and the Internet The initial courses for the University's Degree and Certification Programs are being provided by correspondence. Priority, however, is being given to establishing the University's Multi-media Tuition Programs that can be taught throughout the country and the world through the Internet and the World Wide Web. | |