A New Academic Dispensation for the World
Three Seminal Developments for the Western Academy
Academic Dissimulation and Social Disintegration
The Intellectual Achievements and Failings of Western Man The Parapometrics Methodology and the Primary Level of Intellect The Common Law - Precursor of Organic Law
The Organic Culmination of Plato's Academy The Organic Consummation of Christian Scholasticism
The New Voice of the Western Academy
The Mission of GTU is to:
GTU started from humble beginnings, a child of the seminal creations of organic law and the Parapometrics methodology, the science of power. The University's study programs were initiated after the its first student requested to enroll for the study of Parapometrics through the International Parapometrics Institute. As a result of this request a correspondence study program in Parapometrics and organic law was offered to a limited number of qualified students studying under the University's Founder and Chancellor. After these modest beginnings a more comprehensive provisional curriculum emerged for the Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral programs, along with an outline of the University's initial structure and objectives, as described in this Prospectus. A New Academic Dispensation for the World The formation of GTU inaugurates a new academic dispensation for the world and marks a turning point in the educational foundations of the United States and the nations of Western Civilization. Organic Law and the Organic Philosophy of Education Organic law is that body of law that harnesses the power parameters of money and the creation of real wealth for the regeneration of organic societies and civilizations, rather than harnessing that power to implement the agendas of the Money Power and augment the power of international finance. The organic philosophy of education grounds all traditional academic disciplines on the bedrock of organic law rather than on the foundations of usury and the self-serving jurisprudence of the Money Power. GTU is the first institution of the Western Academy to be founded upon the principles of organic law and the organic philosophy of education. It is the first scholarly institution to enunciate and teach the principles of the science of power and the revelations of organic philosophy, theology and law. It is the first institution of higher learning to extol the social necessity for monetary understanding throughout the entire process of formal education. It is the first institution to formally confront and transcend the academic and intellectual pseudologies of the current academy and replace them with the formulations of organic law and the organic philosophy of education. Three Seminal Developments for the Western Academy Three seminal developments have provided the potential to transform the intellectual foundations of the Western Civilization. They are the formulations of three new conceptual paradigms: organic and parasitic law, and the creation of the Parapometrics methodology, the science of power. These creations are articulated in the seminal works of Roger C. Elletson that include Money: A Medium of Power, Organic and Parasitic Monetary Law: The Final Solution to the Money and Civilization Questions, Parapometrics: The Science of Power, and The Triumph of Western Civilization. The Missing Dimension of Money Fundamental to each of these seminal developments is the revelation that money is a medium of power rather than a medium of exchange. This simple insight allows the recognition of the missing dimension of monetary understanding throughout the Western Academy, and requires the acknowledgment of its central role in the government and cultural cohesion of any society. Debunking the Myth of the Exchange-Paradigm of Money The creations of Parapometrics and organic law have exposed the propaganda of the exchange-paradigm of money and revealed money as a medium of power. Since the dawn of recorded history the exchange- paradigm of monetary understanding has provided the main pillar of support for the entire edifice of international financial propaganda and power. The Money Power's ability to foist on an unsuspecting humanity the idea that money is a medium of exchange must rank as one of the greatest propaganda achievements of all time. In reality, money is a medium of power-a medium of allocation, appropriation, and control. It is only with the advent of the power-paradigm of monetary understanding that the deceptive role of the exchange-paradigm of money can be exposed and a new paradigm established to reassess the role of money in both history, and the rise and fall of civilizations, and thereby provide the foundations of a new academy to ensure the triumph rather than the destruction of Western Civilization. The seminal intellectual developments of Parapometrics and organic law expose the central role of the Money Power in controlling both the primary parameters of intellect and the economic, demographic, military and, ultimately, the legal, cultural, and genetic destinies of nations. These developments provide new paradigms to articulate the realities rather than the pretensions of all social science, economics, politics, philosophy, theology, and law. They provide the foundations for an organic rather than parasitic jurisprudential dispensation to henceforth direct the destiny of Western Civilization and the Western Academy. Academic Dissimulation and Social Disintegration GTU is being established at this time of torment, soul-searching and disillusionment throughout America and the Western World. It is being forged of necessity to meet the Western thirst for understanding at a time of unprecedented political dissimulation, academic pseudology, and social disintegration. It is being drafted to enter the battle of ideas against the Money Power in the war for the ultimate control of the Western Mind. The Age of Pseudology With the approach of the third millennium Western Man has a sense of deep foreboding. Western values, morality and ethics are disintegrating, along with Western Society. The cause of these degenerative developments should be the primary focus of the Western Academy. Sadly, however, the Western Academy has succumbed to the pressures of the Money Power and neglected its responsibilities to redress these developments. Instead, the Western Academy has harnessed the power of propaganda to the point where pseudology now constitutes the backbone of social science, particularly in the subject areas of money and economics. It portrays the escalating economic and social problems confronting America and the West as inexplicable, insoluble and inevitable, and Western Institutions of higher learning have been obliged to fuel such myths rather than try to address and explain them. This state of affairs is, in part, the result of faulty educational paradigms that have been foisted upon the academic community to prevent them from engaging in constructive analyses of the causes of economic and social distress. In far larger measure, however, the Western Academy must bear the blame for this social and intellectual turmoil by neglecting its academic responsibilities and not confronting the onslaught of such faulty paradigms and erroneous information. If the judgments of four millenniums of history are to be reversed and Western Civilization is to survive and triumph, then a New Western Academy must be formed to train a New Intelligentsia to redress prevailing pseudologies and address every aspect of intellect and law that impacts the destiny of Western Civilization. This is the task assumed by the founders and supporters of GTU. And the creations of organic law and the Parapometrics methodology provide the intellectual tools for its accomplishment. The Role of the Money Power The Western Academy has thus, in effect, been co-opted to serve the undisclosed agendas of the Money Power and provide an academic facade behind which to rationalize the economic and social devastation of debt-based credit money systems and the monetary and trading manipulations of international finance. The root causes of Western economic, social and cultural ills lie in the legal foundations of usury and the parasitic monetary and international trading agendas of the Money Power-the private monopolists of money and the controllers of international trade. The Money Power has therefore seen to it that these causes are never addressed by the mainstream academy. These subjects, however, are central to the study of Parapometrics and organic law through the curricula of GTU. The Parapometrics methodology reveals that traditional education legitimizes the agendas of the Money Power and conceals from public scrutiny the basic tenet of international finance that all nations and civilizations exist only for monetary and international trading exploitation through the predations of usury. For the Money Power, nothing is sacred. Whether it be the rain forests of South America or the Redwoods of California; whether it be the agricultural production of the fertile plains of North America or the Ukraine; nature's bounty must be plundered relentlessly and exported to the trading capitals of the world to service the insatiable demands of the foreign debts of international finance. For the Money Power the period of ascendancy of Western Civilization is over. The international banking establishment is transferring Western capital and technology abroad as rapidly as possible and mobilizing the forces of "multiculturalism" to ensure the cultural and genetic destruction of Western Man. For the Money Power the 21st century belongs to Asia and the Third World, and Western Civilization is being forced to finance its own destruction. [See, Roger Elletson, Money: A Medium of Power (Jackson, WY: GTU Press, 1998).] With the advent of organic law and the organic philosophy of education new paradigms have been created through which the hidden agendas of international finance can be brought into the mainstream of academic scrutiny and public political discourse, and embraced in the mainstream academic curriculum. These paradigms reveal how the power parameters of money can be harnessed to sustain rather than destroy the organically regenerative foundations of societies, cultures, and races. But those societies must now assume the responsibilities of organic education and government, and the enforcement of organic law, rather than allowing these tasks to be performed by the agents of the Money Power. The Intellectual Achievements and Failings of Western Man A historical review of the achievements of Western Man suggests that only in the fields of science and technology do the achievements of the Western academic community deserve lasting commendation. But this is not surprising. Science and the scientific methodology are the creations of Western Man and uniquely the product of Western Civilization. It is in the social sciences that the Western Academy has not only neglected its intellectual responsibilities, but almost abandoned them. And the subject matter of economics must be the most obvious example of this neglect, followed closely by such disciplines as political science, philosophy, theology and law. The Parapometrics methodology reveals that today's social sciences, rather than candidly being used to explain social developments, have been co-opted instead to serve the propaganda and agendas of the Money Power. The social sciences have evolved by providing effective intellectual facades behind which the academic community can be used to rationalize the economic, social, cultural and spiritual consequences of usury and the adverse effects of international trading manipulations that have been, and continue to be, an inevitable part of the destruction of civilizations. With the formulations of organic law and the Parapometrics methodology the realities of the social sciences can now be subjected to the scrutiny of new and transcending analytical paradigms. This scrutiny is an important focus of GTU and reveals that the subject matter of economics, for example, can safely be described as not merely being defective, but as being an intellectual pseudology. The paradigms of power and organic law expose mainstream economists as little more than the intellectual minions of the Money Power. They show that the main function of economics is not to explain the production and distribution mechanisms of societies and the goals of economic policies, as it purports to do, but to conceal the realities of these mechanisms and policies from objective academic and public scrutiny. And all this is done to protect the legal regime and prerogatives of the Money Power enforced through the clandestine principles of parasitic monetary and international trading law. The paradigms of power and organic law reveal how the educational pretensions of the traditional subjects of money and economics afflict the full gamut of social science, including the subject areas of politics, philosophy, theology and law. These paradigms also reveal how, in every case, the Money Power is the ultimate beneficiary of this academic dissimulation. The Parapometrics Methodology and the Primary Level of Intellect One of the most significant revelations of Parapometrics is the identification, and raising into consciousness, of what can be called the Primary Level of Intellect. The primary level of intellect can be defined as that level of conceptual cognition at the apex of understanding. It provides the foundation of all law and the provenance of all power. It is a concept whose recognition and comprehension is fundamental for an appreciation of those primary levels of perception that define the boundaries of current conceptual awareness, circumscribe the ambit of contemplation on specific academic disciplines, legitimize intellectual paradigms, and sanction the creation and enforcement of law. While Western Man has unquestionably commanded subsidiary levels of intellect, such as the domain of physical science, for example, in terms of power those achievements pale in importance when compared to the achievements that have thus far commanded the conceptual parameters of the primary level of intellect manifested in such academic disciplines as economics, philosophy, theology and law. It is this apex of understanding that expresses the highest current level of cognition and reflects, in turn, the primary level of intellect, law and power. And central to the command of primary intellect are the jurisprudential determinants of monetary and international trading law. Thus far in history the legal formulation and implementation of the principles of parasitic monetary and international trading law, and the attendant political agendas that sustain these laws, have determined the monetary and trading prerogatives of nations and civilizations. Since biblical times the clandestine precepts of usury, or parasitic monetary law, have commanded the primary level of intellect. Throughout this period the incipient foundations of organic monetary law have lain dormant, occasionally alluded to by Western Scholars but never fully articulated. The principles of organic monetary law have thus never been able to withstand the onslaught of the law of usury and the legions of initiates who enforce that law. The principles of organic law have, therefore, never provided an enduring legal foundation for any society and culture. Every attempt to do so has been effectively resisted by the international Money Power in its determination to maintain the monetary and political prerogatives of usury and parasitic international trade. The result of the Money Power's success in enforcing its legal regime and agendas has been that in terms of the primary parameters of intellect the emerging principles of organic law have generally been suppressed and only permitted to find expression in the subsidiary domains of morality and ethics rather than through the enforceable mandates of law. The transcending creations of the Parapometrics methodology and organic law, however, have now commenced the task of replacing the intellectual paradigms of the Money Power that currently command the primary level of intellect. GTU is the first educational institution being established to train the Western Manpower required to attain this objective, a prerequisite for the salvation of Western Civilization. The Common Law-Precursor of Organic Law The creation of organic law can trace its roots, in large measure, to the development of the common law. The common law is a creation of Western Man, a child of Western Civilization. It is uniquely a development of the Anglo-American jurisprudential tradition. From the signing of the Magna Charta to the formation of the English Parliament and the inauguration of the United States Constitution, the common law has evolved as a protection against legal despotism and an expression of the belief that ordinary people have rights not only in the eyes of Providence but in the eyes of the law. From a Parapometrics standpoint the evolution of common law can be viewed as the incipient development of organic law. And the most recent and most successful attempt by a society to establish an enduring foundation of organic law can be found in the inauguration of the Constitution as the guiding instrument for the government of the United States. The Seminal Achievement of the United States Constitution The record of organic history will forever remember the Constitution of the United States as one of the great advances of Western Civilization. It was certainly one of the more notable achievements of Western Man and the common law. In crafting their unique experiment in government the Founding Fathers took pains to embody in that great document all the noble aspirations of Western Man. By omission, however, they afflicted it as well with their own intellectual shortcomings. Thus, while fully reflecting an awareness of the corrupting power of government and an offsetting need for political checks and balances, the Constitution is uncomprehending of the power parameters of money and the legal and historical roles and agendas of the Money Power. While recognizing the sovereign role of money and the need for its issuance by Congress, the Constitution gives no indication that its authors were even aware of the legal foundations of usury, or debt-based credit money systems, or the power parameters of international trading law that for millenniums had then, and continue to this day, to provide the backbone of the Money Power. A large measure of the responsibility for the deteriorating economic, social and cultural conditions of the United States today can thus be traced to the monetary inadequacies of the Constitution that stemmed, in turn, from the preorganic intellectual constraints of the Founding Fathers themselves. A prime objective of GTU will be to allow its students to transcend these limitations and develop a comprehensive command of monetary understanding. With the advent of the Parapometrics methodology and organic law, the traditional expression of the common law can now find a fully articulated voice in the new and transcending body of organic law, as can the foundations of Western morality and ethics. The foundations of the United States Constitution can now be reinforced on the bedrock of organic monetary understanding. The Organic Culmination of Plato's Academy The lack of monetary understanding reflected in the Constitution can be traced back not just to the Founding Fathers, but all the way back to the roots of the Western academic tradition itself: the pragmatically limited purview of Greek philosophy and the correspondingly constricted horizons of Plato's Academy. The result of these intellectual shortcomings is that today the Money Power appears omnipotent. It bestrides the world like a colossus, enthralling mankind and holding both the Constitution and the Western Academy in quiet but complete contempt. Every Western Educator must remain forever indebted to the Greek philosophers. It is they who laid the academic and philosophical foundations for the entire Western academic tradition. Despite its flaws and many convulsions over the years, that tradition has an unbroken genealogy that can be traced back to the thinkers of Athens and Greece. The strengths and weaknesses of Greek philosophy found expression in the intellectuals of the Roman Empire, the Fathers of the Roman Church and the teachings of Christian Scholastics. From there the foundations of the Western academic tradition continued to the present day when they are being bombarded with every conceivable academic and political intrigue, both subtle and obtuse, to ridicule their insights and belittle their significance in the hope of eventually effacing them from the very contemplation of Western Man and the Western Academy. Today, the Western academic tradition is rapidly being replaced by the intellectual pseudologies of the Money Power concealed from public scrutiny behind the conceptual facades of the exchange-paradigm of monetary understanding, the pseudology of economics, and the traditional intellectual disciplines of philosophy, theology and law. Although the Money Power's conduct might warrant the moral and ethical outrage of a suffering humanity, the parapometric responsibility for the current predicament of Western Civilization lies uncompromisingly on the shoulders of Western Man and the Western Academy. While Plato disdained the vulgarities of politics and the marketplace, and extolled instead the preeminence of philosophy and philosophers as the true guardians of the State, he failed to anchor his philosophy on the bedrock of monetary understanding and organic law. But this insight was not his to see, nor that of his students and successors; it had to await the revelations of organic law and the science of power. The entire ambits of contemplation of the great philosophers were circumscribed by the preorganic paradigms of Western philosophy and law, themselves victims of the exchange-paradigm of monetary understanding, a paradigm so subtle in its dissimulation and so extensive in its repercussions as to inevitably rank as one of the greatest propaganda achievements of all time. What Plato and the members of his Academy failed to see still confounds the Western Academy today as Western Civilization writhes in agony from the economic, trading, cultural and genetic distortions of parasitic monetary power and trade. Only the advent of the seminal creations of organic law and the transcending perceptions of the science of power will finally enable the international consolidation of the primary level of Western Intellect and allow Western Man to take back from the priesthood of mammon the conceptual command of the primary level of intellect and thus also the ultimate destiny of Western Civilization. It is only the advent of organic monetary law that now enables the inauguration of the organic economic and political transformations that must inevitably follow in its wake and without which Western Civilization cannot survive. GTU will thus complete the tasks commenced by the Greek philosophers and Plato's Academy. The curricula of GTU will reflect how Plato's philosophy and ideas of government expressed the embryonic articulation of organic law; the University's curricula will enable the creation of a New Intelligentsia for the Western World that can lead Western Civilization out of the preorganic and into the organic era of human history. The Organic Consummation of Christian Scholasticism A large part of Western history and education is intimately woven into the history of the Catholic Church and the fabric of Western Christendom. Over many centuries the Church Fathers played an important role in molding the content and focus of the Western Academic tradition that exists today, particularly over the period of Christian Scholasticism. In the same way that the Greek philosophers were limited by a total lack of monetary understanding and by the conceptual constraints of a preorganic epistemological paradigm, so, too, were the Fathers of the Catholic Church and Christian Scholasticism, as well as the Protestant reformers who followed them. The shortcomings of Greek education and philosophy and those of Catholic education and theology were quietly filled, and continuously maintained, by the philosophical and theological creations of the Money Power. The inevitable result was that the integrity of both the Greek and Catholic traditions was progressively eroded until the credibility of both these pillars of the Western academic tradition was so compromised that the Money Power was eventually able to sideline them from the mainstream of Western Education. Classical Scholasticism Early Scholasticism saw the founding of modern Liberal Arts education divided into two stages of study, the trivium (grammar, rhetoric, and dialectic) and the quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music). GTU will expand that traditional educational dichotomy to include not only the acknowledged "Great Books" of those subject areas, but also the "Great Books" of Western Civilization written since that period. These works will include the neglected works of scholars like Friedrich Nietzsche, Oswald Spengler and Francis Yockey who contributed so much to the evolution and intellectual emancipation of Western Thought. They will also include the suppressed works of Western monetary thinkers who quietly provided the signposts along the rocky road to the attainment of organic monetary understanding. Where the preorganic conceptual constraint on Scholastic thought revealed the continual contradictions between revelation and reason, the advent of organic understanding illuminates, instead, the confluence and concord of revelation and reason through the catalysts of organic monetary understanding, education and law, and the Parapometrics methodology, the science of power. The Golden Age of classical Scholasticism saw the rise of the great universities of Paris, Oxford and Bologna and yet the doctrine of Scholasticism succumbed shortly thereafter from its lack of foundation in monetary understanding and organic law. Scholasticism, therefore, grew progressively irrelevant in addressing the everyday problems of individual lives, problems that the propaganda and purchasing power of the Money Power was able to explain and ameliorate, if not cure. Encouraged by the 1879 papal encyclical "Aeterni Patris," the latter part of the 19th century saw the revival of neo-Scholasticism impelled by the need to rediscover the changeless truths of the scholastic masters. While neo-Scholasticism enriched modern scholarship, its insights were ultimately constrained by the same preorganic conceptual fetters that bound the traditional scholastics, and the same lack of pragmatism and monetary understanding. Marting Luther fared no better. Organic Theology and Law Today, both philosophy and theology are but fragmented caricatures of their sublime potential and, as in the latter days of classical Scholasticism, their fragmentation and progressive irrelevance to daily existence have demeaned their academic effectiveness and power to the point where they have been preempted to serve only the economically, politically and culturally degenerative agendas of the international Money Power. In terms of the evolution of the Western academic tradition and the role played by Christian Scholasticism in that tradition, the establishment of GTU and the creation of the organic philosophy of education herald the beginning of a New Golden Age of Organic Scholasticism under a New Academic Dispensation of organic philosophy, theology and law. The New Voice of the Western Academy The science of power provides a new paradigm of human understanding. It embodies a transcending perception of society and the world. It reflects the culmination of the organic development of Western economics, philosophy, theology and law. It debunks the myth of the exchange-paradigm of money. It heralds the dethronement of the Money Power and the end of the age of pseudology. It establishes the organic philosophy of education in the expanded tradition of Plato's Academy and Christian Scholasticism.. It provides a new voice for the Western Academy that finds expression in the curricula of GTU. The Science of Power and the Formulation of an Organic Curriculum Parapometrics involves the study of the elements and science of the primary parameters of power to facilitate the activity of politics and the passage and enforcement of law. The Parapometrics methodology allows students to recognize, categorize and analyze the parameters of power in any situation in order to assess the agendas of the real parties in interest and articulate the legal foundations for attaining specific societal policies and objectives. In short, the advent of Parapometrics enables the creation of the organic civilizational paradigm that can be taught under the organic philosophy of education and that can now determine the course of international affairs and the destiny of Western Civilization into the 21st century and beyond in a manner not preordained by the destructive civilizational paradigms of international finance. For the first time in history the advent of Parapometrics allows the formulation of an organic philosophy of education supported by a comprehensive body of organic law, particularly organic monetary law, that can be enforced in the regenerative service of organic societies and civilizations rather than in the destructive service of the usury, "multiculturalism" and the parasitic international trading agendas of the Money Power. The 1995 decision by the prestigious Yale University refusing to establish a program on Western Civilization speaks volumes on how far the "multiculturalists" have progressed in establishing their agendas of academic and philosophical deceptionism, and Western cultural destruction in the leading educational institutions of the United States. The advent of Parapometrics and organic law now enables the culturally degenerative educational and political agendas of the Money Power to be reversed and supplanted, instead, with curricula and agendas supportive of the economic and cultural regeneration of Western Civilization rather than targeted to ensure its destruction. |
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